viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2010


The man must have natural and clean water to protect their health. Water is considered contaminated when the composition or state does not meet the conditions required for the uses to which it had been intended in its natural state. Under normal conditions decreases the chance of diseases like cholera, typhoid, dysentery and diarrhea, the latter is the main cause of mortality among children 1 to 4 years. The growth of industrialization, urbanization and human population increases the problems of pollution and thus the drinking water supply and sewage treatment.
Water is the lifeblood for food, hygiene and human activities, agriculture and industry. Therefore, the sanitary requirements are more stringent with respect to water intended for consumption by the population, demands are becoming less satisfied by their pollution, which reduces the amount and quality of water available, as well as natural sources.

Rivers and lakes are polluted because they are dumped in the waste products from urban areas and industries. Drinking water, so it can be used for food purposes must be clean, be tasteless, odorless and colorless and have an approximate temperature of 15 º C should not contain bacteria, viruses, parasites and other germs that cause diseases, in addition, water drinking should not exceed amounts of minerals over the limits.

That we are causing by not doing anything to conserve water knowing that we are the most affected. To pollute water and damage our marine life because of that we can not enjoy the benefits that this gives us.

Natural water sources available are: rainwater, rivers, lakes, seas and groundwater. Is found in many rocks and stones and harsh in the atmosphere as clouds or mist.

Man has always dump their waste water. Under normal conditions, can self-purify rivers: the waters carry away the waste into the oceans, the bacteria use the oxygen dissolved in water and degrade organic compounds, which in turn are eaten by fish and aquatic plants returning oxygen and carbon to the biosphere. But as mankind progressed, this becomes increasingly difficult. Often systems are saturated with waste and dumped goods industries that can not be degraded by bacteria. All this makes the oxygen content decreases dramatically, and that the river no longer has the capacity to support life there, becoming a cesspool of several kilometers. Your risk increases if it moves slowly (this is the case of the Riachuelo).

Another danger is thermal pollution. Large power plants use water as coolant, this makes the river water temperature rise, causing changes in biological processes and, therefore, destroys the life that exists in them.
Water is a vital element for food, thus requiring greater hygiene. There are requirements that are becoming less satisfied, for their pollution, which reduces the amount and quality of water available as well as natural sources.
Drinking water, so it can be used for food, must be clean, be tasteless, odorless and colorless, and have an approximate.

Therefore it is very important to keep water away from all types of pollutants that just allows us a better life in the future.And that landscaping can not only see in photographs.